What To Do If You've Been Hurt in an Accident
[by Ezizze Davis Foxworth]
If you are injured in an automobile accident, here are important steps to take to protect your well-being and your interests:
Get the medical attention that you need. If you have any doubt or concern about your physical condition, it does not hurt to have an emergency medical professional examine you. Oftentimes, the pain from vehicle injuries is not apparent at the time of the accident.
Provide all necessary information to the responding officer and retain your copy of the FR-10 "accident report" form. This form is usually green in color and contains all of the insurance and driver information provided to the officer at the scene of the accident. South Carolina law requires that you provide a copy of this form to your insurance company immediately following the accident even if you are not responsible for the collision.
Start a photographic and written record of the accident. Keep a journal diary of what you experience, including any pain, physical limitations, sleep disruptions, medications and doctor's visits. Take pictures of the damage to your vehicles as well as pictures of any physical injuries you have sustained. Document your injuries immediately after the accident and continue to document your visible injuries, including bruises, over the days that follow.
Protect your rights. An attorney can look out for your legal interests allowing you to focus on your medical treatment and get life back to normal. Before signing any releases or authorizations or even before you make official statements; contact an attorney as soon as possible to understand your legal rights.